Friday, May 4, 2012

Charles Manson!!!!

                                          A Classic picture of Charles Mansons insanity at its best

      I was so excited to be able to choose a research topic i was interested in. I have always been obsesed with scary movies, murders, psycho path serial killers, anything dark and corrupted is so appealing to me for some odd reason.Even though i would never personally want to be in such a horrid situation as being a victim of the insane masked murderer, anytime i watch a good scary movie, i love to see how the story unfolds. Ever since i saw chuckie as a child i have stepped up my game and tolerance for unnecessary fear i felt when wathcing such things. Slowly however scary movies blend together until it is the same idea of a killer chasing after innocent people torturing them one by one until they all die. Therefor movies that are a reality to individuals makes me much more interested in learning about the actual events, where the gruessome killings are not edited on screen but happen to people just like us going about their lives. I became fascinated with A massacre that shocked americans in 1945 until this very day that serves as a historical event in American society.....THE. MANSON. MURDERS. The gruessome killing spree handled by none other than the Charles Manson and his "family" or cult as it is referred to. The results of the miscellaneous murders were, 6 slaughtered bodies, "pig" written in blood all of the door, and an uproar as americans tried to process the very thought of it. As i began to discover the truth behind the murder i felt as if i was the detective on Mansons case. I have to say that if these murders shocked and interested someone who lives off of scary movies than what is revealed in this blog is definitely going to knock your socks off. Better than any scary movie ive ever seen, Manson has created quite the tale and name for himself one that will never be forgotton. .Helterrr......SKELTER..... mwhahahahaahaha

                                              Manson during his younger years of "innocence"

             Mansons childhood only slightly foreshadowed what would come of his life in the future. Born in  Cincinatti, Ohio in 1934, his mother was a 16 year old prostitute abandoned him at a very young age before his father died. Mansons dad used to dress him up in girls cloths and call him a "wimp" as he made him wear a dress to his first day of school. Still though is no better than Mansons mom trying to sell her own child  for one glass  of beer. At the age of 9 years old Manson was already being publically insitutionalized commited a few rather smaller crimes involving stealing and burglary and such. Manson was said to have had an IQ of 109 by his psychiatrist in one of the public instiutions and said that "Manson would one day become a fairly slick, institutionalized youth" already he was being viewed as a troublemaker. Even"Manson Raped a little boy with a raisor to his throat so automatically was already a jail bird on his path of great success (Sarcasm). This site was very helpful in it gave an overview of the main aspects that should be remmeberd from charles Mansons early life. It helped lead me to an even better website that portrayed different chatcteristics that Manson posessed in his younger years. I discovered that he was quite the ladies man...... Charles Manson was also known as Charles Miles Maddox. After having such good behavior in jail, he was released on parole and got hitched to a waitress which resulted in their son. But poor Manson kept stealing cars so went back to jail where his wife divorced him. But do not fret when he got out he got married again to a women named Leona had a child with her, than was sent back to jail where he soon recieved divorce papers. The next 6 years he spent in prison was during the time he discovered his love of music under the guidance of a befriended inmate named Allvin Karpis who slowly taught him how to play the guitar. Manson thought when he got out of jail he would pursure a musical career..... well we wish uhe would of done that instead of going down such a different path. The information i learned from this site was more than helpful it gave me the exact details i had been looking for.

                                                           Mansons earlier times in jail

                      As i began to research in greater depth of Charles Manson through the same site as earlier, it led me right to his horrific cult formation and gave me the sense of just how crazy this guy already was. When Manson was released from prison with his guitar and drugs traveled to California where i discovered he began to have a few insane people crazy enough to want to follow in his footsteps and found and sort of rational in his obsurd logic. This information i found on this site proved to be the most interesting to me as it was the last event of failure he had before the final coming together of his family. Manson still wanted his musical career so pursued it by going to teh beach boys with one of his songs that they didnt use in their album until later on after manson went on his killing spree. After his harsh denial and all his dreams being crushed him and his followers move to the Spahn Ranch an old popular place where western movies used to be shot now belonged to

a youtube video of Masons inspiration for his insanity

The actual murder story::::::::::::::::::::
Afterward the cult member covered up Sebrings head with a bloody towel, and tied the rope to sharons body as they used her blood to spell out "PIG" on the door.
                                                   volgers body found on the lawn 

                                              The Blood of Sharrons spelling out PIG                 

Blood stains found all over the house 

      The first person to come across the bodies was a maid named Chapman as she walked calmly into the kitchen in absolute shock ran down the street shouting "murder, death, bodies, blood!!" Garretson the caretaker that lives on the same land but a little farther away from the house was taken in by the police for being the only living person on the property. He was arrested even though he said he didn’t hear anything so was eventually released and served many years in therapy after the events. Sharrons husband was in London when he got the call that his wife and unborn child along with 5 others were dead he took a immediate flight to LA
before his trial 
The manson murders spread all of the country every american was shocked and soon Manson was identifed as the #1most dangerous man alive. The trial was held  

                                                          His Family members 

                    While researching my topic i really wanted to hear about how it effected Americans not as a whole but talk to some individually about living in that period of time. When i brought up the idea of me doing a research paper around murders in the late 40's he immediately suggested the Manson Murders. He made a cringing face even at the name of it and than followed up with the phrase helter skelterr. My dad said the event was horrific and shocking that when 

I enjoyed researching this topic 

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