Thursday, September 29, 2011

Carnegies Philanthropy

Carnegie formed the Carnegie Steel company which helped start the industry in Pittsburgh. At 65 years old he sold the succesful company because Carnegie wrote the gospel of wealt and believed in it which helped influence him to give his money to the society for a good cause.  and used it to  In 1902 he discovered the carnegie institution to fund scientific research while establishing a fund for teachers with a large donation of 10 million dollars. Throughout Carnegies life he always loved to read which help to influence him to fund for education. Carnegie was influenced strongly by a man named Colonel Anderson, a very wealthy man who let him use his library for free before america had a system for free libraries. He Donated money to cities, towns, and he built more than 2000 public libraries. He Built so many libraries becasue he Believed in self education. To help colleges and other schools he gave 125 million dollars to the carngeie Corporation. Also a strong believer in world peace which resulted in him building the carnegie endowment for international peace and hague palace of peace therwise known as the world court. By 1911 Carnegie had given away 90 % of his fortune. Throughout his life he gave over 350 million dollars away.

I learned about Adrew carnegies philanthropy here.